Brabo combines a wide range of different fields of expertise.

Fire guard

Fire guards check if the necessary fire hoses are present, and they perform their fire guard service on board.

Fire guard Brabo

Brabo Cleaning Company

The cleaners combat pollution on the water, use screens to isolate oil spills, and clean the hulls of polluted ships. They have access to three ships (Pollution Fighter, Flandria 9 and Neptune). To remove oil, they can use a ship with sweeping arms, skimmers and oil screens.

Brabo Cleaning Company nv, a Brabo subsidiary, is responsible for combating pollution on the water. The specialised units can be deployed quickly and swiftly, within 30 minutes after a call.

Cleaner Brabo


Riggers man abandoned ships and unmanned pontoons or rafts. Our task is to get these vessels ready for mooring and unmooring and to make fast the tugboats and to let go the seagoing tugs. This is still manual labour: there’s often no electricity on board and the mooring lines have to be secured using manpower. So it’s intensive, hard work. At Brabo you are trained in-house by colleagues who know the job. This work can’t be done by someone without the necessary experience and skills. We know from experience how ships behave and we communicate constantly with the pilot, dock master and tugs. Teamwork and communication are the key words.

The Brabo riggers are largely unknown, but they are nevertheless a vital link in the chain of maritime services, 24/7 and in all weather conditions.”

Maritime Services Brabo 2
Maritime Services Brabo 1
Maritime Services Brabo 3
Maritime Services Brabo 4
“My job is mainly preventive, it’s a sort of security duty. Checking whether all the requirements are met. We prevent major disasters from happening in the port.”
“Every oil spill is different. So you need to look at each case individually and discuss the best possible solution with the dock master for emergencies and the incident coordinator.”
“Riggers man abandoned ships and unmanned pontoons or rafts. This is still manual labour.”
“It was like the film ‘Stormforce’, but in real life!”


Explained in 3 minutes and 58 seconds. Watch the new Brabo launch video.